Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Visit to the Retina doctor

Officially it has been nine months since my surgery.  There was the post surgery doctor's appointment in 24 hours.  Then there was another appointment in a couple of weeks.  And I saw the doctor again in November before we left for the winter.  There he took another photo--some topography of the retina to see how it looked.  It had definitely smoothed out some from the original photo.  I could see a couple more lines on the eye chart and he had me read a card for close-up reading.

I was aware of night time halos in just a couple more weeks.  That indicates a cataract.  After the surgery a cataract usually forms within a year. Three months for me.

Now that winter has ended we returned to Iowa and I went to the doctor again.  I can barely see the BIG E with the affected eye.  Next step is to make an appointment to have an evaluation for cataract surgery.  That is scheduled for late July.  Guess that you can't be in any hurry.

I went back to the internet and reread about this epiretinal membrane.  Most articles say that you will not get all of your vision back.  Most also say that recovery occurs within the first three months after surgery.

I will visit the cataract surgeon in July.  Hopefully I can get that surgery in August.  Then I am desperately praying that there will be some improvement of my vision.  I have given up playing tennis.  It is too hard to time the ball and see it if there is much pace.  My other complaint is depth perception.  I have a fear of missing the bottom step because I can't see.  Maybe I could use my lack of vision as a golf excuse???


  1. Hi Jan, I had a retinal detachment that required a vitrectomy in April 2010, and then cataract surgery in Nov 2011. It was tough. I can tell you are struggling with the grieving process, and I wish you the best recovery possible. Gary

  2. Thanks, Gary. I still have a good eye; but miss that other one. Did the cataract surgery improve your vision? Don is very pleased with his, but he had no retina issues.

  3. Hi Jan,

    I had retinal detachment in September, after which I got a sclera buckle done. Unfortunately, I now likely have the epiretinal membrane to deal with and have a vitrectomy scheduled tomorrow morning. I've already been warned that cataract is almost a given as well. Did you ever get most of your vision back? I pay squash, and would be extremely disappointed to completely give that up. Hoping for the best...
