Sunday, February 5, 2012

Our Sabbaoth

It was another beautiful day. We are 7 hours ahead of the eastern time zone. We should be watching the Super Bowl, but we will be going to bed soon. There is no tv here. If you have a tv you have to pay the government an annual tax or registration to use it. We saw a tv in the golf course restaurant. There was a soccer game and a summo wrestling show. Don't think American football is all that important.

Today we went to the Light House Church at the Del Cramer campus in the village. We helped serve the lunch. Every Sunday they feed all the children that attend and feed the adults if there is enough food. We could see the weather changing. Looked like rain in the distances and then we could see the red dust clouds. Just getting to the cars we were covered in the red gritty dust. Blew in our eyes, nose, and mouth. I will have to have the camera professionally cleaned.

We had lunch in a tree nursery--quite quaint. Then a few of us went to a large cat sanctuary. There we saw Lions and cheetahs up close, but behind a fence. Our guide was a young college graduate student from Mexico City. We learned a lot from her. We had time for a 3 mile hike to end the afternoon.

Tomorrow most of our team will depart for the states so after dinner tonight we sat around the fire circle and had a time of sharing and reflecting. It has been a very good experience for all of us.

Don and I are staying in country. Since we are here we want to see other parts of South Africa. We will ride to the Johannesburg airport with some of team. Then we are off to explore.

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